A Night of LIVE Rock N’ Roll
Starring David Cook
With The Grimm & Special Guest
Capitol Theatre
November 23, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.
Join DAVID COOK, American Idol Season 7 Winner, with THE GRIMM and a Special Guest as they transform the Capitol Theatre stage into a LONDON ROOFTOP setting, in a concert that foreshadows the upcoming London Rooftop television series.
Featuring state of the art film technology and virtual productions created by Park City Film Studios, the LONDON ROOFTOP event features original rock music by Cook and The Grimm and special visual effects unlike anything you’ve seen before. It will transport you from the stage of the Capitol Theatre to the nirvana of live vintage rock combined with psychedelic visual effects.
This is a must-see holiday kick-off event for the entire family. The show will sell out so get your tickets early! Tickets on sale 09/24/21 at 10am MT
Runtime: 90 Minutes
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