Virtual Production
Virtual Production
LED Wall
Camera Tracking
StarTracker Max
Based on a proprietary and unique combination of the pre-visualization techniques and technologies used on films like Gravity, Avatar and others, our virtual stage is an effects stage like none other. Virtual set technology is used to accelerate post production pipelines dramatically (i.e. faster rendering engines and greater virtual definition). The end result creates the illusion of a location without a physical set. It is the cutting-edge creative development and production management tool for projects at all budget levels. Park City Film Studios® has acquired the equipment necessary to meet your virtual set production needs. This equipment is available in-house or on the go. The virtual stage systems are mobile – ensuring your crew can always deliver the shots they have planned.
We specialize in virtual set production, camera tracking, and related technologies for motion picture films, commercials, network television, and private academia. Virtual set technology allows creators to visualize their scenes and make changes in real-time. Filmmakers can create any environment or landscape they want without being limited by the constraints of physical sets. With LED walls, creators can see the virtual environment while filming. This provides filmmakers greater control and flexibility over the look and feel of their scenes by adjusting in real-time. It also creates a completely immersive environment for actors. All you need to change locations… is to change your wardrobe. Our virtual production team will handle the rest.
Contact us for your next project.
Mo-Sys StarTracker Max Brochure